Updates in My Life
- I did not score well, or as well as I'd hoped, on the LSAT. I've been wrestling with what to do... retake it (I don't think I'll score much higher and I don't want to pay for it, again!) or accept that I've tried and should pursue other options. I limited the number of schools I'm applying to (8) and decided that I will only pour so much money into this whole process before I wash my hands of it. Am I disappointed? Yes. However the Lord has been working so persistently and faithfully in my life that it's hard to let the disappointment drown my excitement for what's to come. As of today, I know I won't be living in Columbia next year and that is exciting in and of itself. I will miss this town, but I am ready for the relocation. It's funny how happy this place has made me and how wearing it is on a person all at the same time. It's a funny little place, I'm glad I've created a path here, but I'm ready to venture on.
- I think I'm finally finding my balance again. When Joe and I started dating I was kind of picked up off the ground I was stuck to and held in a bubble up in the air for a while. I've returned, or at least I'm bouncing back and forth between the ground and the air. I am so grateful for our relationship and the companionship I now have that I was searching for. It's tricky, the whole balance of love/friendships/family thing. I realized how starved I was for my friends and family and alone time. There wasn't any time for anyone besides him and the puppy. I think I'm starting to juggle a bit better though, at least I'm trying.
- I work more than I'd like, but I'm determined to get out of debt by June/July. I enjoy my job and the people there for the most part, and I try to keep a positive attitude about it since my days as a server/bartender are coming to a close.
- Memphis is about 35 lbs. In the next week or so he will have his "man parts" removed. Poor puppy. He can sit, lay, shake and knows where his bed is and to go there when the TV goes off. He only has accidents if I've not been over to Joe's for a couple of days and he just gets too excited when he sees me. And I kind of think that's cute more than discipline worthy :)
- I've become much more present at church. I'm there in the nursery on Sunday mornings, then church. I am doing a bible study with my friend Rachel on Tuesday mornings. And I'm in the Discovery Class on Wednesday evenings to become a member. I am so grateful for The Crossing. I believe it's been my saving grace in Columbia in so many ways.
Here is my list from last year. My goals for this year are basically a few of the things I didn't get to last year. Everything in red is comments/lessons/updates on last year's list.
New Years Resolutions
1. Stop talking to “sour milk.” It really is that simple. Don’t answer/respond, be strong and do what I know is best … for me! (check :))
2. Pray every night. Church every Sunday. God first. (I give myself a 60% progress on this one in 2009. January of 2010 I haven't missed a Sunday and I've made sure to attend my "appointment" with God each morning. It's been renewing and I have found my days less stressful, worry-free and more rewarding. Goal for 2010: 90-100% on this one)
3. Forgive myself more. I’m not going to stop being tiny dancer and having a good time while I’m out. I will however learn to stick to my limits and have more self-control when it comes to my phone, wallet and driving. (Check. Alcohol has become a very small part of my life. Not really a conscious effort, but I like the outcome.)
4. Say no more. My goal is to still be good to people, but only to the extent that it is healthy and comfortable for me, and to realize that I can never make everyone happy. They are responsible for their own happiness, just as I am responsible for mine. (Still working on this one. It's just really hard for me to say no, but I constantly disappoint others. Goal for 2010: Ask God to help me with saying no when I need to.)
5. I will try to be less judgmental, and overlook things that cause work to be unpleasant. It’s one of my favorite places to be so I shouldn’t make myself miserable there. (Fail. Goal for 2010: Make the last 6 months memorable and pleasant for myself and my co-workers)
6. Stop cussing. Increase my vocabulary by using my word of the days, writing them down every day and trying to say them at least twice during the day. (Fail. Gaol for 2010: Remind myself that I want to bring others to the Lord by showing his love through me. Language speaks volumes, literally, about a person's heart.)
7. Pay off credit cards and start payment on student loans. I’m not going to spend so much on small purchases. Instead I’m going to concentrate on getting out of debt. Get savings account balance over 2,000 (Work in Progress. Started paying off the student loans. Still managed to waste a lot of money. Goal for 2010: Pay off cards by June/July. Continue student loan payment. If law school doesn't work out, find a JOB!)
8. Smile more. (Still working on this one too. Smiling is hard for me!)
9. Do one nice thing for one of my friends each week (card, e-mail, visit, compliment, date) (I've definitely tried being a better friend to my true friends. I had to come to terms with who was my friend because they loved me, and who was my friend because I had something they needed or because I was a fun time. I treasure and devote my time to the women in my life who I grow and learn from as they grow and learn from me. 2009 showed me who my true friends were, and it was tough to cleanse my life of several unhealthy friendships I was trying to maintain. I thank God daily for bringing me to this tough realization. Goal for 2010: Grow in my friendships as I did last year so I might offer the care, concern and laughter of real friendship that I have grown to love.)
10. Travel to one state I haven’t yet. (Check - Iowa to get Memphis boy!)
11. More family time! Visit. Grandma and Grandpa for a week (both). Go see Aunt Susan. Go see Cousin Chris and babies. (1/2 Check. I did go spend a week with my grandparents and my Aunt Susan. I have yet to meet my cousin's twin baby girls and I'm still anxious to do this. Goal for 2010: Visit my dad's side of the family for sure. And of course go see Grandma and Aunt Susan again :))
12. Take care of my nice things better (Check. Goal for 2010: Keep up the giving away of unnecessary things and living a simpler lifestyle.)
13. Earn a 4.0 my last semester (3.8... Close enough for me :))
14. Do my nails every week (Check. No more wasted money on mani/pedi... except for special occasions of course.)
15. Cook for myself. Only eat at work 1-2 times a week. (Check. I've tried all sorts of new recipes!)
16. Read one book per week for me – make a library day (Keep this goal for 2010! I've been a regular at the library now for the past few months.)
17. Run twice a week (Failed miserably. But I've added Yoga AND Running to my goal for 2010 to keep me moving and in better shape.)
18. Go to a concert. (Nope. But I did see some awesome movies. I've never been a movie buff and Joe definitely is, so I've come to appreciate them much more. However for 2010 I would like to attend at least one concert, one play and of course see some of the great movies coming out!)
19. Reduce my carbon footprint. Be more resourceful, stick to the basics and recycle when possible. (Failed. Goal for 2010: Recycle paper and reduce heat/air use)
20. Gain confidence by believing I’m unstoppable. Remember what others think of me is what I allow them to think. If I am confident, they’ll think highly of me. And if they don’t, well it shouldn’t matter to me. (I'm not sure I really like this goal looking back. But I supposed I've become slightly more confident, mainly due to my growing relationship with the Lord. Goal for 2010: Phil: 4:4-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.)
21. Take more pictures. (Check. Only of Memphis though :))
22. Work on Assad’s biography. (He's complete his part, now it's my turn. This one gets bumped into 2010 and I'm very excited to work on it. Also contemplating writing a book about the SBs. Maybe I'll become a writer after all...)
That's all for now. Happy Wednesday everyone.
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