In the course of the past semester the Lord has pulled me to the knees of my heart, literally with the 2-year-olds at Seeds of Promise and spiritually in the quiet time I get in the infant room on Sundays. I've always been passionately connected to kids. I enjoy their fresh, smiling faces and the hope and optimism they offer each and every time you meet with them. If I could describe this spiritual season of my life, I would say it's been a joyful challenge. I realized early in 2009 that I was spiritually starved: my church attendance was sporadic, I didn't meet with the Lord daily and I had few prayer partners and Christian friends to spend time with. I graduated in May and decided to take the year to accomplish some of the things that college didn't allow me to do. First on that list was getting back to God. The Children's ministry was my doorway to doing so. Not only did the kiddos bring a happiness back to my heart that had been buried for quite some time, but I got to spend time with amazing women of all ages who I could talk to in a relaxed environment and who encouraged me on my journey back to God. We shared stories about our struggles and what was going on in our lives each week and I came to respect many of these women along the way. A further bonus was that I was committed to showing up, and even though I didn't earn 100 percent on my volunteer attendance I wanted to be there each week and I was delighted that I was finally making time for God. It also felt good to be serving again, and to give parent's a chance for quiet time with God while I got to cuddle and entertain their beautiful children. I look forward to contininuing my service in the Children's Ministry and growing in my faith with the help of Him and the genuinely caring members of His church at The Crossing.
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