I don't post this verse because I'm feeling down or upset. I post it because in the joy of Christmas and the excitement that surrounds us at this time of year, I think it's important that we remember God's amazing love and care for each and every tear we've cried. For every worry we've ever had. God remembers and more importantly he cares.
I found myself anxious last night. I was laying in bed thinking of the million things I wanted to do this morning before working at 11. And I realized I hadn't picked up my bible or devotional or written in my prayer journal since the day of the LSAT. I was so worried, and in that worry I drew very near to God. Then forgot about him. So this morning I asked God to bring me back on the knees of my heart to him and to not let the flurry of this time of year distract me from my growing relationship with Him.

The verse above was a gentle reminder that God never forgets my worries, but he also tracks all of the good things that happen too. I was considering purchasing or making a bottle to fill with colorful and not so colorful items to remind me of God's continuous, perfect love and care over the events of my life. Perhaps a New Year's project.
Happy Wednesday :)
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