I was informed that I'm subject of conversation, not so nice conversation, and for a minute I let it disturb me. Then I remembered how hard it is to move on with your life when you're thrown for a loop and the crazy lengths girls go to just to get information. I decided that if my life is entertainment for you now, well I'm alright with providing that. I hope you find something more interesting soon though because me and my relationship and Memphis and where I'm headed is really not all that significant to your own life, I hope not anyway. And if it just makes you feel better to talk badly about it, that's OK too. I've been there and done that and I guess I understand.
Anyway now that I got that out of the way, I'm really missing my girlfriends and we're scheduled for a night out tonight to celebrate Frisch's bday so I've got to get showered and study a bit before I leave. I've gained 10 points so far on my LSAT score since I started practicing, if I can add 10-12 more I'll be set :) Please pray for clarity on December 5th and that my nerves don't get in the way of my potential. It's much appreciated.
Oh and Joe and I celebrated 6 months (crazy it feels way longer than that... that's not a bad thing it just feels like we've been together forever) with dinner and movie and some snuggle time with Memphis (who is now 20+ pounds, still sleeps on my pillow at night and the funniest little character all around).
I can't wait for Thanksgiving, shopping and the time off. And to see my Stacey Marie who I haven't seen since her wedding :(
Random post I know... aren't they all?
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