On Friday Joe and I drove to LeMars, Iowa and bought a 7 week old Vizsla puppy. Originally we were going to get a puppy from Tennessee and name him Memphis... plans fell through but we were still in love with the name Memphis so we decided he would be a Memphis from Iowa. I am absolutely in love with him, he's perfect and he's such a good boy so far :) He slept the entire way home, sleeps through the night (wakes up bright and early at 5 a.m. - pretty sure he's God's answer to my prayer for a way to rise earlier every day and study for the LSAT because my alarm wasn't doing the job), and goes potty/poop outside for the most part. He's definitely a baby and loves to be snuggled, hates when he's not getting any attention and thus far really enjoys unfolding the laundry as I fold it and playing fetch with Joe. He has been an instant burst of joy that I needed in my life as of late and I'm so, so thankful.
Name: Memphis LeMars Catalano
Born: August 11th, 2009
First Vet Visit: Wednesday October 7th
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