GiST 5:365
1. Completing EVERYTHING I needed to today and knowing tomorrow will be the last time I have to take a final as an undergrad.
2. Seeing the pictures of my gorgeous little sister at prom :) She's so pretty!

3. The WTF greeting card website Sumo posted - It's funny she is so brilliant!
4. All of the new country songs I just downloaded. I finally got over the, "I can't listen to country because I'm single now" phase. And remembered how much I LOVE IT. Pretty sure me and my sister need to do the country concert pack at UMB this summer again.
5. The gorgeous weather today - I got to study
on the porch which made it not as miserable as it could have been. I still despise this class but it's over in about 12 hours!!!!!!!! woohoo!
Pray for me to pass this final, I keep freaking out thinking I'm going to fail the one class I need to graduate lol. I know it's crazy but I really haven't ever felt this unprepared. I've studied for 12 hours, still clueless.
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