If you’re waiting for answered prayer or the fulfillment of one of His promises, don’t give up. If you think He has forgotten you, think again. When the fullness of time is right for you, He’ll show up—and you’ll be amazed by His brilliant timing!
- Joe Stowell

I'm so anxious to finish these projects but I wanted to write on here first. It's been tremendously helpful for me to vent here lately so I figure I should continue.
I'm really missing my family, especially my dad right now. He's super unhappy in his job and I seriously worry every single day that his heart is going to act up. He's always had heart trouble and every time I talk to my mom she tells me how miserable he is. I love my dad so much and I just constantly worry about him.
At the same time I'm in love with the beautiful weather, the freedom I feel coming on post-graduation, and the friendships I've begun to build with both people here and family. Sometimes I don't feel like I can keep up with everyone, which is funny because I keep saying how lonely I am. Anyway I'm grateful for the love surrounding me. I'm trying to be strong and remember the promises I've made to myself for the next year.
One more thing- I was thinking of all of the great women in my life. Mom, Aunt Susan, Gma, SusieQ, Stacey Marie, Rachel, Sumo, Mimi, JMalle, JLew, Frischy, Smartie, AH, JR, Robin, Renee, Chrissy, Morgan& Mal, Jasmine, Mel, Casey and Jim & Jas (basically as great as the girls :)) I'm so lucky. And maybe I am a little bit feminst because I know such amazing women!
I'm almost a college grad :) time to work so I can celebrate!
btw - not talking to all of the boys from my past has been delightfully liberating so far
Oh, and I'm buying a black maxi dress from Ely's tomorrow that I can't afford.
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