A signed mastercard slip with a $20 tip on on a $40 bill that was signed with this message on the bottom: 2nd class job, you could do much better.
At first, I was like oh crap, what did I do wrong? I couldn't stop thinking about it for the entire night. The table was in a hurry, I got their food to them really quickly because they needed to be somewhere and I laughed with them and was perfectly friendly. My friend goes: Jess... they weren't saying you did a second class job. They were saying serving is a second class job, you are capable of having a much better job.
Maybe, I thought. But I love my job. Not as a life endeavor, but I enjoy the people I enjoy serving and it's good money. It was almost more offensive that this man thought I was settling to be a server for my life and that he looked down so much on a profession that is nothing to be ashamed of. Either way, I appreciated the jolt in my evening this man caused. It made me feel great to know someone thought I had potential, even if he was an arrogant asshole.
I had the best time I've had in a long time last night with Jen. It was perfect. Lots of dancing, laughing and just enjoying her. I'm so glad I decided to go home.
I also got to see both Casey and Stacey's new homes :) I am so happy for both of them, they both have so many exciting things going for them and I thought I would be envious, but really I'm just happy I get to be excited for/with them. They both deserve the happiness they have and I couldn't be more blessed to watch them have so many blessings unfolding in their lives :)

GiSt 3:365:
1. The note from my customer
2. Lunch with dad on the porch today: still worried about him but it was very good to see him
3. The entertaining night last night: too much to put in detail on here but it was all around a successful night!
4. The beautiful drive back from StL to CoMo today, I love when I can drive with the windows down
5. My bed and fleece cover right now. I'm so comfortable.
Oh and I bought my grad dress and shoes (pics). L.o.v.e.
I can understand how that would bother you, it would me too. I am glad, and not surprised you found the good in the situation! Love the dress and shoes, can't wait to see you in it, I know you will look perfect!
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