So there we are. Mimi. Myself. Lauren Sue. Sumo. Jen.
JLew. I wanted to blog about these ladies because after having a conversation with one of the owners of the restaurant we all work at the other day I realized how lucky we all are to have found such an amazing friendship circle. (That sounds sort of like Girls Scouts but anyway). When this picture was taken, we had yet to realize how much we would come to lean on one another in the coming months. There's a bumper sticker that completely sums up how we stumbled across one another and also what my owner was getting at the other night. In sum, he said "How
freakin lucky are you to have picked this restaurant to work at, for these girls to have made that same choice, and for you all to have become so close? You could have picked Hemingway's or Murry's. But no you picked here - and look what happened."

Be it luck or fate or God - I'm not sure which of those three played larger in our meeting but I would say God first and foremost -we have turned into a small family. Do I think we are unique? Well I think that any group of servers in a restaurant share a bond that is only understood by those of us in the
restaurant service industry. But do I think these girls and I found something beyond that shared understanding of shitty tippers, aching feet and rude people? y.e.s. I can honestly say that each and every one of us has had a moment (or 2 or 3 or 50) in the past couple of months that was completely unexpected and completely turned our world upside down and off the charted path we all had planned out. We aren't an exception, everyone has their share of problems, shit happens - such is life. But these girls have been such a blessing. They've been there day in and day out to help me deal with my serving of life's challenges, and I'm glad that I've been able to be there consistently for them as well. Susan and I were saying the other day (and I blogged about this in my previous blog): we've had our share of groups...we've drifted on and we've lost touch with a number of girls/groups of friends. But this time it really feels like we've finally found a group that fits. It's so nice to have 5 girls who I can call on a random day...any single one of them...and say "let's do lunch". And we can have endless hours of conversation about whatever over good food and sometimes (
OK most of the time) booze. Before it always seemed as if one person was closer to the other or one person always knew more about another than you. But with us, it's really turned into an open circle of love and sharing and understanding. It's a comfort and a pleasure and a definite aspect of my life that I can count on. And because of them, I have been able to keep my life in perspective. I have been able to confide in them, listen to them and just enjoy an immeasurable amount of time with them. I think something every person struggles with in the world is knowing ... really knowing ... that they are loved. Not just by their family or their significant other. Just loved. Being loved, even by a group of very different but very amazing girls, has made me appreciate and enjoy life in a way I never have before. So I really just wanted to write about how important it is to find that group that really fits you, and to hold on to them tightly and let them know on a daily basis how much you really love them. I do believe that I will always have my best friends and my own best friend within, but I am so very grateful for this group of beautiful, honest, classy (the real classy not the "Sophia's Classy") ladies who have opened up their ears, arms, hearts and minds to me this year.
"There comes a point somewhere between the bad hangovers & the drunken heart to hearts, that you realize all you need in life are a few good friends & a few good drinks."
-Sex and the City (Sophia's Chapter)